Bug Catching

Gain experiene by hunting down every bug you can find.

  • Bug Catching skills can be bound to the following items:
    • String, cobweb, stick, book

Level Up Rewards

Level Reward
10 64x Net Ball
25 False Swipe Scyther
50 Strong Bug Lure
75 Bug TCG Cardback
100 8x Leaf Stone
125 8x Shiny Ball
150 Bug Catcher Pheromosa

Level Up Abilities

Level Ability Skill Details
5 String Shot Spending time around all these bugs, yuo've acquired quite the collection of silk. You use the silk to ensnare your opponents for an improved catch rate. Improves as your level of Bug Catching increases. (Passive)
25 Bug Bonding By befriending the bugs you've learned about them. Caught Pokemon are fully healed, and gain friendship. Improves as your level of Bug Catching increases. (Passive)
50 Bush Brigadier The bugs now lead you to these odd looking fruit. You find more apricorns and berries occasionally when harvesting. Improves as your level of Bug Catching increases. (Passive)
75 Eight Eyes The spiders have taught you how to use their senses to spot stronger Pokemon. Caught Pokemon gain extra IVs. Improves as your level of Bug Catching increases. (Passive)
100 Mint Collector You've noticed groups of Caterpie hovering around a strong aroma plant. You get extra mints when collecting them. (Passive)
125 A Hidden Friend Noticing the bugs gravitating towards you, mysterious Pokemon make their way toward you. You have an improved Shiny spawn rate. Improves as your level of Bug Catching increases.
150 Mushroom Mania Badgers? No, Snakes? No, MUSHROOMS. You occasionally get extra Max Mushrooms when collecting them.

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