
Gain experience through the creation of new items.

  • Artisanship skills can be bound to the following items:
    • Crafting table, stick, paper, book

Level Up Rewards

Level Reward
10 Painting
25 Healer
50 PC
75 Camera & Film
100 Trade Machine
125 Porygon Piece
150 Zygarde Cell
Access to /workbench

Level Up Abilities

Level Ability Skill Details
5 Bound Crafting Table No craftsman is ever far from their trust table. You can store and summon a crafting table.
To store, sneak and right-click a crafting table
To summon, click this ability.
10 Bound Furnace You never know when the need to smelt will arise. You can store and summon a furnace.
To store, sneak and right-click a crafting table
To summon, click this ability.
25 Skilled Hands Nothing beats a good day of crafting. Crafting certain items gives enchanting experience.
To store, sneak and right-click a crafting table
To summon, click this ability.
50 Forge Master Your skilled hands allow for perfect casts. You have a chance to smelt two items instead of one. Improves as your level of Smelting increases.
75 Double Trouble When you really get into the flow, you just can't stop yourself. You have a chance to craft two pokeballs instead of one.
Applies for all craftable pokeballs
100 Flame of the Endless You have heard rumors of a mystical fire that can never be snuffed out. Fuels a furnace for a very long time. Improves as your level of Smelting increase.
To activate, sneak and left-click an unlit furnace.
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
125 Curry Master A true artisan, you have become as master of spice and sauce. You occasionally get double curry from the Cooking Pot. Chance increases as a level increases. (Passive)
150 Full Metal Alchemist Crafting tables can be used for transmutation, if you know how. You can exchange materials up and down. Improves as your level of crafting increases.
To activate, left click materials on a crafting table.
- Cooldown: 20 seconds

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